Panama Hats

Browse Henri Henri’s fine collection of Genuine Panama straw hats for women and colonial style panama hats. All Panama straw hats sold at Henri Henri are certified hand-woven in Ecuador. They are then shaped and finished by the greatest hatmakers from all

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Colonial Style Panama Hats

Colonial style Panama hats for women are noticeably different from Panama hats for men in that their ribbon bears a buckle over the right ear. Their shape is also different, as their crown is often very rounded, with a crest running from the front to the back of the brim. Looking for another women's hat for this summer? Come and discover our entire collection of women's hats

Genuine Panama Hats for Women: A Tradition from Ecuador

Panama hats are hand-woven by the indigenous peoples of Ecuador. The nickname “Panama” comes from the days of the digging of the Panama canal. A great number of ecuadorian workers made the journey to find work on the project, all wearing exquisitely crafted straw hats that helped them endure the tropical heat. From there, the traditional craft from Ecuador spread all-over the world. All genuine Panama straw hats bear a special brown ink seal to certify their. The seal may no longer be visible on bleached straws.

How to Recognize a Genuine Panama Straw Hat?

Genuine Panama straw is often imitated, but never equaled. You too can spot an authentic Panama hat if you know what to look for! First, look at the straw’s weave pattern. Authentic Panama straw is woven from the center, creating a beautiful pattern of concentric circles. 

You can also find on unbleached Panama straws a brown ink crown stamp bearing the mention “Echo en Ecuador'' that certifies the hat’s origin. If the straw is bleached, the ink stamp might not be visible anymore. You will then have to rely on the weave pattern of the straw to determine if the hat you're looking at is the genuine article.

How to Clean a Panama Hat?

As a general rule, we strongly advise that you use as little water as possible when cleaning a genuine Panama straw hat. For dry dust stains, a simple pencil eraser may suffice. You can also gently rub a slightly damp cloth on the stain. If you are uncertain as to how to proceed, never hesitate to reach out to us to get advice on how to care for your genuine Panama straw hat, or to ask about our cleaning & reblockin